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Murals & Pubic Art: Volunteering

In the summer of 2020 I began volunteering with other muralists around North Carolina. The first one was right time/right place. I was on my way to Imurj in Downtown Raleigh, to retrieve items I had in their store on consignment, when the they made a post about donating a mural to Bishops and asked if local artists would be available to help get the plywood mural finished. I responded then was invited to help Bethany Studnicky, former Director of Arts and Exhibitions of Imurj, paint some of the colorful stripes on her piece while another volunteer (Dylan @iconmasterpieces on IG) also painted stripes in addition to adding "equALLity" to one of the panels. 

The second photo is from volunteering with Max Dowdle, director of NC Public Art and primary muralist, to paint a mural supporting the military as part of the new Spring Lake Art Trail. You can read more about his project on his website



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